Our Top Secret Blueprint to Grow a Software Acquisition


Table of Contents

So we bought another SaaS. Now what?

Here is our top secret plan to 5x it in a year:

What we are working with:

We bought Scout - leading dog walking and pet sitting software.

  • Mission-critical product
  • Natural expansion w/ more walkers
  • Niche product, few competitors
  • Growing market / tailwinds
  • Steady growth

Amazing Customer Service

Day 1, we moved one of our customer service people to be full-time on Scout.

Previously the owner only replied to the top 20 customers. Now everyone gets amazing service and responses in a few minutes.

Goal: prevent as much churn as possible

Survey Customers

  • See what they want to be fixed
  • What features they want added
  • Prioritize our development roadmap

We have a new rebuilt app that fixes most of the current issues

Move from Wordpress -> Webflow

  • Way better for SEO
  • #1 Speed - faster load & server response times
  • #2 Simple - Out of the box Webflow SEO performs amazing. With Wordpress, you can put in a bunch of work and optimize it for SEO, but it's crazy to waste the time.
  • Easier to spin up new landing pages
  • Fast to test & improve copy

Hire a Remote Team

At close, we lined up talented overseas senior developers. We like Upwork and good dev shops.

We found a great mobile developer in Indonesia.

Push on SEO

The beauty of buying instead of building is

we already rank number #1 for "dog walking software"

  • Fix SEO issues
  • Write a few 2,000+ word pieces a week
  • Invest upfront to rank

Goal: to become the best resource on starting and growing a dog walking business.

New Pricing / Feature Expansion

We are priced 30+% below competitors right now.

Lot of areas to offer more and create higher priced tiers for larger customers.

Keep the basic tier relatively cheap so it is obvious to start with us.


  • Amazing customer service
  • WordPress -> Webflow
  • Hire a remote team
  • Survey customers
  • Invest in SEO
  • New pricing