How to Hire Overseas Talent Without Getting Scammed

    Hiring overseas talent can be scary.

    What if you get scammed / robbed / taken advantage of?

    Here are 7 things to avoid getting robbed...

    1. The Unknown

    How do you know if a hire is actually working?

    How do you know if they have multiple jobs?

    What if they run away with all your data, money, customers, etc?

    These are all concerns in the new remote work world and not based on where your talent is.

    2. Build Trust

    Building trust is your best protection.

    Pay fairly for the role and where they live.

    Treat your remote hires like everyone else. Invest in them.

    Set objectives and have KPIs.

    Measure their output vs expectations.

    If work is getting done, then you're in great shape.

    3. Data Controls

    Put data controls in place.

    Use a password manager like 1password.

    Use business emails. Not personal emails.

    Have good onboarding and offboarding procedures.

    Know what tools people have access to and remove them after.

    4. Control Access

    Don't give people too much access if they don't need it.

    Give limited access to sensitive systems.

    For example, give custom roles so employees can't download your whole CRM.

    Limit access to money and credit cards. Make sure large movements require approval.

    5. Skip the Invasive Monitoring

    Computer screen tracking software exists, but I don't recommend it.

    Track projects, not screen time.

    I just trust people to do their work and get rid of them if the trust is broken.

    Crimes are still crimes in other countries.

    Employees don't get to hide from the law because they are in another country.

    Most of Latin America has great protections, and employees generally know that.

    7. Talk with Experts

    You don't have to go at it alone.

    We've hired hundreds of employees in Latin America at Jules and have 45,000+ pre-vetted profiles.

    We'll help you avoid costly bad hires and set you up for success.

    Grab a free hiring consult here.